1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

There is so much in my life I am greatful for!

I am grateful for my family. I get to see my beautiful children every day. I have a hard working husband who goes out everyday to make our lives better. I am grateful for my body it lets me do things that I never imagined I could ever do. I thank god often for giving me this body in which I neglected for years. I now show much respect for a body that can get up every day and work hard and run miles on end. A body that heals quickly from injury and can hold my 7 year old. A body that keeps breathing and a heart that keeps beating. I'm grateful for my soul. A soul that loves and cares for others. A soul that doesn't let me quit when my body thinks its tired. I am thankful for my mind. A mind that is not closed but feels enlightened when it questions the world around it. I am grateful for my dear friends who are there for me when I need them. Who love me regardless of what my weight was or is. Who love me no matter what my faith is or my political views. I am thankful for my savor and hope to try and live like him even though my short comings are not few. I feel so much gratitude for all that I have been blessed with in my life. Including the strength to rise from a dark pit in which I dug my self. I know this is not necessarily a weight loss post but in life when you see the positive you find happiness and contentment in your self. And that is part of what you must do to lose weight and keep it off.