1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The other half in moab!

This was my first half marathon! I say that as if I know for sure there will be more to come. I trained hard and worked hard and I did it! It was amazing. The course was extremely hard with miles of steep hills. But my goal was to not walk up any of those hills! AND I DID IT! There were times I had to talk to myself to keep my legs going. I am glad I kept going! I have experienced some hurtles to get to run this race so it seemed even that much more important to run it! I got tendinitis in my ankle and knee a week before and had to have my first run back besides a quick ten min on in the physical therapist office the MARATHON! I also have had runners trot during all my long runs so I was extremely scared of what was to come. I was so nervous and excited the night before and even the day of I had the worst butterflies waiting to go to the starting line. I remember the thought process well. I remember thinking am I sure I'm ready for this? Am I sure I can run this? I was terrified and then the race began and I was feeling good staying on pace and enjoying some very small hills think oh I could run like this forever. Then mile 7 came and the hills got steep and very long! I watched people fall back and start to walk! I thought oh I could just walk it would be OK but I struggled with the thought and decided no I WILL RUN THESE HILLS! I looked down to my feet on every hill not to be intimidated by the length of them. I also DID GET THE RUNNERS TROT by mile 8 and had to stop at every porta potty they had until the end! But I didn't quit running! My time was 2 hr 20 min 31 sec. I think I would have been faster if the trots hadn't made me stop! but still over all a great experience!

120 pounds gone baby!

So I have lost quite a bit of weight but there is one thing I would like to address. Sure I look better I feel better but I still have days where I feel HUGE! There is a mental battle you still have to face. Every day I take steps of letting go of bad views of myself but it dosent happen over night. I often think I have kicked the negative self talk in the butt to find my self slip into those bad habits. It gets easier to recongnize and to let go but you will always have those habits and you will always have to deaft the negative self talk.