1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Surviving the Holiday's!

If you are like most people the holidays hit and we tend to eat an extra 650 calories a day! Which adds up to about 6 to 15 pounds by mid January! Shocking! I know, but we want to still enjoy the holidays. I have a plan to help me through the holidays. I'll let you know how it works out in January. Here's my plan. I am going to plan what I am going to eat before I get to a party. We all tend to know what our family is going to make at different parties. I am going to write it down even if I blew it! Because being accountable will help you not to over indulge even more. For some reason we hate to write those extra items down but really who are you hiding it from? Your self? I am going to exercise even on Christmas and Christmas eve. If I have to get up early to do it I will. I will not have high expectations of weight loss for this month I will just try not to gain. I will allow my self to enjoy some of my favorite treats like Jeanies homemade chocolates they are to die for! I will not deprive my self of the holiday festivities but will not eat treats every day! I will still eat healthy food allowing room for indulgence on Christmas and Christmas eve and new years eve! The holidays are not a time of food but a time to enjoy your loved ones. I will not eat junk unless i really love it. How often do we find ourselves eating something we really don't like just because its there? I know I catch my self doing that a lot. So here is the the plan broken down.

1. I will write down all food even movie popcorn and chocolate.

2. I will exercise 5 to 6 days a week. even on Christmas!

3. I will only eat things that I love. And only on that holiday occasion.

4. I will enjoy my time with family and remember its not about the food.

5. I will plan out my food that I'm going to eat for the rest of the time even though I will be out of town and at some one elses house.

6. I will not stress about weight loss just maintain.

7. I will not beat myself up for any mistakes i make I will let go and move on.

So there it is. Happy holiday's to all of you! And those that are working on weight loss good luck and you can do it!