1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

When you work around FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

So I work in a restaurant most of you know. I am surrounded by yummy pies and french fries and and delicious unhealthy salads. This has been a struggle for me. I would find myself picking at the corn bread or croutons or what ever thinking oh one bite is not bad but then one turns into two and two turns into three and pretty soon I have had a whole piece. I would also end up using all my extra points while I was at work and not having any for the rest of the week. Which really stunk. So I committed to my self not to use all my extra point on the weekend. I got up each morning before work and planned everything I was going to eat while at work and stayed in my calories. I had bags of carrots and grapes and healthy snacks and brought my own salad dressing. So every time I would find myself being bored or go to the cornbread I would break out one of my snacks. I stayed satisfied the whole day! It was great! I also had all my extra points for the week to use how I wanted. My weight loss has improved and I feel more in control! So if you work and find your self so busy you run to a drive threw everyday or whatever. Make a plan, map out your days calories if you can fit that drive threw in and choose something healthy than do it if you can't make you meals a head of time so that they are easy and convenient and take no calculating because you have already planned it!

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