1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Things Beyond YOUR Control!

There are many things you can't control in life You can't control how other people treat you or how they view you. You can't control what a friend or family member serves at a party. You cant control the things other say or feel or think or do. You can control how you deal with them. You can choose to let others opinions affect you negatively or you can let them go. This is not easy to do but you are capable of doing it. I can control how I view myself and what I put in my body. If your having a get together at some one elses house bring some food you know you want to eat to share. That way you have a safety. Believe me no one will ever say you had to go home for bringing food or turn food away. They will say thank you and they won't know you were not really doing them a favor but helping your self. Also plan to indulge a little on rare occasions . If you have a get together coming up plan for it choose lower calorie meals the rest of the week. Obviously still keeping in your calorie budget you don't want to starve. Then when you get there decide what you are going to have or find out what they are having before you go so you have a plan. If you know your aunt Ida only makes red velvet cake on the 4th of July and that is the only time you will get it. Have it! Live and control your life don't let food or life control you! If you are hosting the party guess what you are in complete control. You can make what ever you like and no one has to know its lower in calories. Who ever said healthy food doesn't taste good is crazy there are so many yummy healthy recipes out there. Like for example roasted veggies with olive oil is so good it brings out the flavors of the vegetables. Grilled terriakye salmon or pineapple chicken. Do those sound gross to you? Actually most healthier recipes have way more flavor. Enjoy the summer fun!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your blog! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, struggles, recipes and words to live by. You are an inspiration! Congrats on your progress and thanks for the encouragement.
