1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Friday, May 8, 2009

100 reasons

In the beginning it can be very challenging to keep motivated. You have to decide where you want to go and what you want to achieve. In vision a happy you doing something that makes you happy. What do you look like? What are you wearing? Who are you with? What are you doing? Now keep that vision and decide what you have to do in order to get there. My weight watchers leader gave me some advice. She told me to write down 100 reasons I wanted to lose weight. The first 20 were easy. I wanted to look good but after that I had to really dig deep. It took me a while to find a hundred but I found them. Keep that list of reasons and break it out when you feel less motivated or get comfortable where you are if you are not at your goal. I look at those from time to time and say that's right I want this and it gives me a little extra umph to get through. Also having a support system is important. I'm not say go out and join weight watchers although I fully support weight watchers in what it has done for me but I am saying have some one you trust you can share your challenges with. Someone who wont judge you and understands. Some one you feel comfortable telling how much you weigh to and if you gain or lose. When you are accountable you tend to think twice about eating something you shouldn't. Being accountable does not mean your support person needs to make you feel badly about it. This person should never make you feel bad about your choices they are only there to be your support. They should know you will most likely beat yourself up over it and do not need anyone else doing so. I do hope you will not beat your self up over the choices you make but we all do. You will eventually learn to move on. I say yep I ate that but I'm either going to work out extra today or I'm just going to let it go and start back on track immediately. Not tomorrow or next week but immediately. Your support person should be your cheerleader when things go right and your shoulder when things go wrong. I know from personal experience that when I don't have a source of accountability and support I don't do well.

Have a great day and do one thing each day you can be proud of whether it be part of your weight loss goals or just in life.


  1. You are so worth it. And you are gorgeous, and so wise, your journey is inspiring. :)

  2. Hi Celeste,
    I hope you don't mind that I'm posting here. I'm Aubrey's sis-in-law and she's told me so much about you. I've just spend the past half hour looking at your blog and you are so inspiring! I read your very first post and felt like I was reading my own journal. Thank you so much for sharing. You have inspired me to keep going. I'm so easily discouraged and think, "What's the point? It's not working." Both you and Aubrey are so strong. You amaze me!
