1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

enjoy the moment you're in and take time for yourself

A lot of mothers and others often only look forward to the future. We say stuff like oh when I'm thinner or when my kids are older or when we make more money. We tend to never just sit and relax and enjoy the present. Sure we may not be to our ultimate goal but part of our goal is to be happy in life. We as parents always put our children first and yes this is a good thing to some extent, but when do we get to enjoy? It's not selfish to take time for yourself. We need it! Do something each day to better yourself as a person and that you like. Plan certain times you are going to do that and don't let others take that time from you. When kids are hassling you during that time you say , " Lets talk about that at this time and set a certain time." That way they no your not ignoring their needs and will get to them. Let them know that at this time its mom or dads time and you will be happy to help or do or talk about whatever it is they are needing. Once you set those boundaries eventually they will know and leave you alone during this time. You can even do this with friends and spouses. It will be strange to them and sort of a struggle at first because they are not use to you doing this, but its important to do this for yourself. Also like your self now! Stop looking to the future find a out fit or something that makes you feel attractive at what ever weight you are now! Feeling good about yourself helps you to be more positive and treat your self better. Yes you may not want to be the size or weight you're at but you are working on it and that is something to feel good about. Give your self praise! Every week look for a positive thing you did that is going to help you towards your weight loss goal! One week I did pretty badly I didn't track my food intake and I missed a lot of work outs and I even indulged on more than one of those days. But I can say hey I worked out this week! Which is a improvement to where I was 2 years ago so Yay Me! I want to leave this Quote with you its my new favorite quote! Being overweight is HARD! Losing weight is HARD! Maintaining your weight is HARD! Pick your HARD.

1 comment:

  1. I was so distracted by the gorgeous photo of you, that I couldn't read the post. seriously sister, you are a looker...
