1 one rule this is not a diet its a life style and a treat once in a while is OK!

Monday, May 11, 2009


We all have them. They help us to rationalize what we are doing to our bodies to make it easier to digest why we give up on ourselves. We all have reasons . I would say I gain weight easier than others. I have to work out harder than other people in order to lose weight or maintain. My hormones make me gain weight easily. I'm to tired or I'm tired all the time. Now I say SO WHAT!
Why all these reasons and excuses may be true and this may be the hand you were dealt. Your skinny friend maybe able to eat a whole large pizza and never gain a pound while you on the other hand might just look at it and gain two. The thing is what do you do with the hand you were dealt? Do you quickly fold or do you play the game? When you choose to play the game you learn ,you have fun , and you enjoy life. When you fold you sit on the sidelines watching others play being bored, beating up yourself, being unhappy and not living. So I choose to play.

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